We called our home in Ireland
The Sanctuary
Because a sign in the next field
Declared this was a sanctuary for wild life.
What it really meant
Was that only authorised people
Were allowed to kill
Animals on that land.
The Owenacurra River gushed
Clean over the rock
Behind the yellow furze
And the fuchsias
Until the fly tipping bowsers came.
There are signs
That signify nothing.
For Saussure, the signified and signifier
Are purely psychological,
They are form rather than substance.
What is the point
Of a sign saying,
“This is not a tip.”
In Rajagiriya, there is a sign
“This land is not for sale.
Call this number.”
“Do not throw stones at this sign.”
“This is not a sign.”
In Fort Neaf,
As well as signs
Saying “this is not a tip”,
There are delicately stenciled
At the base of lampposts,
Urging respect for community values.
The response to this polite request
To refrain from tipping
Is for multifarious rubbish to be stacked
Around the lampposts.
The telephone exchange
Is a favourite site
For abandoned mattresses
Although all the streets
Have their share.
When babies outgrow
Their carriers and prams,
The obsolete paraphernalia
Takes its place on the street.
When the child tippy toes
Into a new shoe size,
The old footwear walks
Onto a wall.
All houses are split
Into multi-occupancy
With each household
Having four refuse bins.
These do not suffice
And overflow on to the pavement.
The rapid turnover
Of a floating population
Means much furniture becomes orphaned
And has to live on the street.
A respectable elderly lady
Carefully, in broad daylight,
Deposits a collection
Of cardboard packing cases
And discarded kitchen utensils
Right in front of our house.
That is the seedbed
For further generations of rubbish
And it soon becomes established
As a recognised tipping point.
Put up a sign saying
“No tipping”
And like flies to a dog turd
The fly tippers
Will come to that tipping point.
During this time of global
The most crucial action to avoid tipping points
Is to drastically cut emissions
From fossil fuels and transition
To renewable energy sources.
What chance of that
When people shit
On their own doorsteps,
And their neighbours?
A sign I remember was positioned somexway from a river. It read 'No Fishing on this Land'......
It is not easy to format poetry the way one wants to on Substack. I may have to edit this